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A beautifully detailed bronze representation of Queen Medb.

Medb, from the early modern Irish Meadhbh, can be translated to mean “she who intoxicates.” Anglicized, this name is sometimes written as Maeve, Mave, or similar spellings, and in some cases she was known simply as Queen of Connacht.

In Celtic mythology, Medb was Queen of Connacht, the great villain of the Ulster Cycle. Cunning and strong, she ruled Western Ireland and came to dominate much of the island. Her struggles with her former husband, Conchobar of Ulster, put her in direct conflict with Cú Chulainn.

Medb was a powerful queen who was stronger than many of her suitors and consorts, both physically and mentally. These attributes were also used to describe a similarly named Irish goddess of sovereignty, who ruled over Tara, where the High Kings of Ireland were crowned, which indicates that there may have been a connection between the two stories.

Medb’s personality was strong and she demanded three things of all her suitors and husbands: that there be no fear, meanness, or jealousy towards her. She had many lovers, a testament to her beauty and desirability.

Medb was quite similar to several Queens of the Amazon, such as Hippolyta, and other warrior goddesses from myths across the world. As an Irish sovereignty goddess, she shared that role with Macha, Badb, Danu, the Cailleach, and the Morrígan.

Medb may be the inspiration for Queen Mab of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, who has since become a popular figure in fairy lore.

Dimensions: 22cm high x 13.5cm wide x 14.5cm deep.

Medb of Connacht Figurine 22cm

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